Baron Bigod Raw Milk Butter


This Raw Butter is the UK’s only raw farmhouse butter produced by The Fen Farm Dairy using a lactic culture.

Pairing suggestion – Lincolnshire Plum Bread

Each butter log weighs approximately 200g.

3 in stock

Baron Bigod Raw Milk Butter is the UK’s only raw farmhouse butter, produced by The Fen Farm Dairy using a lactic culture. The butter is made traditionally by hand on the farm, they sour the cream using a mixture of lactic bacteria, then churn and hand-paddle with traditional scotch ‘butter hands’ made from wood.

The milk is used warm from milking and the grass-fed cows are an ancient breed, Montbeliarde, hand-picked from small farms in the Jura region of France. They only give a small amount of milk but it is rich and high in protein, producing beautifully creamy and complex flavours. A true farmhouse butter.

Each butter is approx. 200g.


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Key Facts

Country Of Origin England
Milk Type Cows
Pasteurisation Unpasteurised
Region Bungay, Suffolk