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Rich Dark Chocolate & Prune Truffle Torte


Last Updated on 11 years by admin


500g Plain Chocolate

250g Butter – roughly chopped

8 eggs

100g sugar

50ml Brandy or Cognac

20 Pitted prunes soaked in brandy for a few hours (optional)



Break up the chocolate and put in with butter into a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering hot water.

Stir until the chocolate melts – allow to cool slightly

Pre-heat oven to maximum

Whisk eggs and sugar in a very large bowl until pale and thick and the whisk leaves a trail in the mixture. Takes about 5 minutes on full speed.

Using a balloon whisk, fold the egg mixture into the chocolate mixture and combine well. Whisk in the drained Brandy or Cognac from the prunes.

Line the base of a 8”-10” spring form pan with parchment paper.

Scatter the soaked prunes on the bottom and pour over the chocolate mixture.

Place on a baking tray in the centre of the oven for about 10 minutes at maximum or until the top of the cake forms a dark crust.

Remove from oven and leave in tin to cool for about 3 hours.

Chill in fridge until required.

To serve, invert the cake onto a plate and cut with a sharp knife that has been heated in hot water and dried. Serve with crème fraiche, clotted cream or ice cream. Also good with raspberry compote.  Very rich so only very small slice needed!