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Keeping it Simple

cornish blue

Last Updated on 11 years by admin

I do love my job. And I’m very aware that most people are jealous that I essentially spend a large proportion of my life eating and writing about cheese… My boyfriend, however,  doesn’t always agree.

Sometimes his patience wears thin. Cheese can’t just be consumed in our house. It must be photographed and pondered, recipe ideas or drinks matches perused. As he said to me one evening, if we call it an avant garde raw fondue, can I just have a plate of cheese?

So as a nod to my other half, this month’s blog is all about *keeping it simple*.

Cotehill Lindum: The latest from the local Davenport family, Lindum is made in the mountains style, reminiscent of a Tomme. As such, it melts fantastically. When was the last time you enjoyed the simple beauty of cheese on toast. Good thick granary bread, slab of Lindum,  let it bubble – there really are few finer things in life.

Ryedale: This black waxed cheese has a tangy fruity, flavour, offset by a creamy texture. So work with that. Pretend you are being ‘healthy’ and try this with a selection of dried and sweet fruit instead of crackers. After a little experimentation, I’d recommend dried apricots and cranberries work wonders from this unusual cheese from the Shepherds Purse Dairy.

Montasio: The Italians like to keep their cheese pretty classic. So you wouldn’t be surprised to hear that this cheese is reminiscent of a young Parmesan. Ergo, it works superbly on pasta… Ever wanted to do those fancy shavings at home but thought you needed a gadget or gizmo? Fear not, a simple vegetable peeler works just as well, and ensures that these hard cheeses taste their finest (also, looks fab  on top of a dish at a dinner party – show off to your hearts content)

Somerset Camembert: Like many English siblings of the French classic, this Somerset Camembert is not as rich or as strong. Nevertheless it has a beautiful sweetness and lovely creamy texture. We melted it over the first Jersey Royals we found. Elegant simplicity – the classics really are classic for a reason.

Cornish Blue: Every now and then you come across a cheese that reminds you why you are so passionate about a mouldy dairy product. Cornish Blue has the creaminess of a Montagnolo yet a sharpness of a Stilton, whilst also some how manages to have the sweetness of a Roquefort. Eat this one straight from the knife (remember how your parents used to tell you off for that? Being naughty feels good sometimes, doesn’t it…) Use a cracker, if you must…