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Ham & Roquefort Tart Recipe


Last Updated on 11 years by Kate


500g cubed ham
Puff pastry
Short pastry
500g spinach
250g mushrooms
150g Roquefort
30cl double cream
40g butter
3 eggs
2 shallots
Pinch nutmeg
Salt and pepper


Pre heat oven to 180C
Line quiche dish with short pastry
Wash and chop mushrooms and fry in butter over hot heat for 5 mins
Cook spinach briefly and drain well
Cook diced shallots in butter, but do not allow to brown
Beat cream and Roquefort together. Then beat in spinach, mushrooms, shallots and eggs. Mix in cooked ham (could be cooked and cubed bacon, gammon, lardoons etc). (Mixture doesn’t want to be too wet)
Season with nutmeg.
Fill tart
Cover with puff pastry. Brush with beaten egg and cook for 35 mins

We were told to serve hot and it is delicious with some roast potatoes or boiled new potatoes. However we also like it cold. I have also experimented with other things that I need to use up from the veg box…diced and gently cooked in butter celery works a treat as does well chopped spring greens instead of the spinach