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Get the most from your Camembert Baker

16th baked camembert .jpg

Last Updated on 10 years by Kate

Ok, you have a Camembert Baker, and a lovely rich, Camembert cheese. You could simply pop the cheese in the baker, put it in the oven at 180C for about 15 minutes and enjoy with crusty bread, wine and friends. Not necessarily in that order!

Camembert au Normandie AOC has robust, earthy flavours that will absorb some amazing taste combinations. Let your imagination run riot…enliven and ramp up the whole cheese experience. In all cases simply put the topping on and bake as usual until the cheese is golden and bubbling, and infused with the lovely flavours of choice. Let us know your particular favourites. In all cases, scoop out and get the freshest, crustiest bread available.

  • Put a few slashes in the top of the Camembert, stud with slivers of garlic, drizzle with honey and a sprig of fresh thyme.
  • Roast butternut squash, pan fry pine nuts.
  • Pan-fry field mushrooms until well cooked, add some freshly chopped parsley.
  • Caramelise red onions.
  • Pan-fry slices of fresh pear & pecan nuts in butter and a little sugar.
  • Top with seasonal fruity chutney – Apricot & Cranberry with its sweet & sour sharpness works really well.
  • Pan-fry small chunks of Choritzo until crisply browned.
  • Slice a couple of sun-blush tomatoes, the ones in oil are juicier.
  • Pan-fry a few slices of a sharp, tart juicy apple in butter (pink lady is lovely). Add a couple of teaspoons of salted caramel sauce.